ICH GCP E6 is guidance and not EU legislation. Although no one knows when this guidance will be implemented in the different regions, there was a suggestion at the Osaka meeting:- "Europe:- the Step 4 document to be adopted December 2016 by CHMP and as Step 5 will be published on the website, with most likely 6 months to come into effect. FDA:- publish it as a final guidance in the Federal Register and then post the guidance on FDA website. ----- does not expect that FDA will assign an implementation period.” No one knows for sure if this timetable will be implemented.
As I said, ICH GCP E6 is guidance and not EU legislation and hence there will be no need to update any legislation.

Of interest is the fact that the new CTR 536/2014 does reference ICH GCP:-
Whereas 43 "the ICH guidelines on good clinical practice should be taken appropriately into account for the application of the rules set out in this Regulation, provided that there is no other specific guidance issued by the Commission and that those guidelines are compatible with this Regulation".
Also Article 47 "Without prejudice to any other provision of Union law or Commission guidelines, the sponsor and the investigator, when drawing up the protocol and when applying this Regulation and the protocol, shall also take appropriate account of the quality standards and the ICH guidelines on good clinical practice. The Commission shall make publicly available the detailed ICH guidelines on good clinical practice referred to in the second paragraph".