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Thread: Site Signature and Delegation Logs

  1. #11
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I'm an investigator site and we work for many pharma sponsors/CROs. Some delegation logs from some sponsors/CROs have a separate section at the top of the log for only PI to sign and there is no column for authorization. Some logs need us to list tasks for PI but some logs have pre-printed saying "As a PI, I have responsibilities and oversee all tasks....." I consider it is appropriate to list PI in the delegation log but happy to hear other people's opinion too.

  2. #12
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    I had an audit where a minor finding was that the PI had not been listed among the study site team members for whom the PI delegated study related tasks. (All other necessary signatures have been available, delegation process had been performed accordingly) I have read the related ICH-GCP intrsuction. According to my understanding there is no definite requirement is included. As I can see I am not only one who is uncertain in this matter. Can anyone help?

  3. #13
    For one member of staff the PI has predated when they would finish on the study e.g. signed today for finishing in 2 weeks time. Would you have issue with this? I thought it was reasonable for PI to put a finish date in place.

  4. #14
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Strange. Pre-dating sounds like an non-GCP Compliant process. Surely the delegated party may well resign from the trial or be determined by the PI that they are no longer GCP compliant and have their duties removed from them, before the theoretical end date.
    From a GCP Compliance point of view pre- or post dating anything is open to falsification or fraud. Its almost like a pre-signed financial "blank Cheque", where it can be used at anytime without further authorisation. Signature dates should be contemporaneous so that we know when authorisation has been given, and when authorisation has been withdrawn. It is crazy to assume that once delegation authorisation has been granted that it may not be withdrawn at anytime in the future!

    Good idea to read ALL of the things that have been written in this Thread below.

    The PI must understand that they are personally responsible for all tasks that they do not delegate in advance. They are also responsible for oversight of all those they have delegated tasks to. The FDA ten point plan for PI oversight says that they should document this oversight!

    You should look at the other sections of this MHRA forum -- for instance; PI delegating PI duties; Delegation of duties.

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