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Thread: Blood group/antibody screen terminology

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Blood group/antibody screen terminology

    We are currently testing a new IT system for blood transfusion. The display in this system shows either ‘ + ‘ or ‘ – ‘ to indicate either Rh(D) positive or Rh(D) negative. Also the system shows ‘ – ‘ for a negative antibody screen, and ‘ + ‘ for a positive screen.

    We are struggling to find evidence to confirm that the display needs to show ‘positive / Pos ’ and ‘negative / Neg ’ and ‘NAD’ for the screen.

    Is anyone aware of current references to this matter.

  2. #2
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Have you checked the current BSH Guidelines: Guidelines for the specification, implementation and management of information technology systems in hospital transfusion laboratories.?

    Unfortunately it appears that these guidelines specifically are no longer open access on the BSH site –( not a good decision for such an important document that we all need to refer to!)

    Otherwise from ISO 15189 (2012):
    Section 5.9.1 General
    The laboratory shall establish documented procedures for the release of examination results, … The procedures shall ensure that the following conditions are met.

    c) Results are legible, without mistakes in transcription, ………………………..

    Though I think you would need to risk assess. It is easy for lab staff and other users to misread abbreviations- particularly if the ABO/D result is together with the antibody result.

  3. #3
    thanks ! that was Useful !

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