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Thread: The Cost of Quality

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  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    The Cost of Quality

    How many times do we hear senior managers refer to the cost of quality, regulation and accreditation, but never about the impact of not addressing poor quality practices?
    With adequate staffing, skill mix, training , supervision, resources and allowing properly supported development as per UKTLC standards, we can:

    1. Reduce inappropriate blood use = improve patient care = Reduce £££.
    2. Improved training =reduce wastage of blood, reagents, consumables= Reduce £££
    3. Improve job satisfaction= reduce staff turnover , sickness, loss of expertise = Reduce £££
    4. Improved training and knowledge- Reduce errors and time to investigate=Reduce £££
    5. Reduce errors= reduce the impact on staff / second victims , patients ,society, reduce litigation costs = Reduce £££
    6. Allow staff to fulfill their roles = increased job satisfaction, pride , morale ,productivity ,patient safety, reputation etc.= Reduce £££

    Why is the age old concept of poor quality/culture= increased costs still not understood within some Pathology services?

    W Edwards Deming: You can’t exhort, beat, in cent a workforce to achieve excellence. You can achieve compliance but not excellence.

    Last edited by Orr; 14th Apr 2018 at 10:32 PM.

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