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Thread: Delta check against migrated LIMS data

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  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Delta check against migrated LIMS data

    I am trying to gather info for future LIMS changes and recently a colleague mentioned that while their Grouping data was migrated to the new LIMS, this was a Read-Only copy, therefore the delta checking function wouldn’t work against this data ( ie wouldn’t alert if the group of a new sample was discrepant).

    The impact of this set up would be:

    1) all requests for blood would have to be serologically cross-matched, as EI criteria not met as only one recognised group on LIMS (until a second sample tested).

    2) increased cross-matching for at least a few months- is this considered as part of resourcing- 24/7 workload ?

    3) process for authorising all G&S tests would have to change- with a manual check against the historical read-only data- again for what length of time would this continue?

    Considering the number of wrong blood in tubes that are recorded by SHOT and detected by the LIMS delta check rules, this active automated checking against the sample historical group is a critical process step during authorisation. If this is now having to be performed manually -will also affect sample TATs.

    I’m sure there are colleagues out there that have already changed LIMS- please advise if some systems are capable of delta checking against the migrated data, or if the above is routine.

    Many thanks!

    Last edited by Rashmi; 21st Dec 2018 at 11:58 PM. Reason: omitted some info

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