24th Mar 2019, 09:40 PM
UKTLC Survey-2019
Dear Colleagues,
The 2019 UKTLC staffing survey will be released via NEQAS with a link to the Survey Monkey questionnaire on Tues 2nd April . There are approx 25 Questions and this will take around 10-15 minutes to complete by either yourself ( Transfusion Lead BMS) or a deputy. There is a template attached to both the pre-survey email and again on the day to help you gather some of the data in advance.
I would really appreciate your help to complete this by the closing date of Fri 12th April. Your comments and suggestions at the end of the survey are always helpful and very much valued.
If you have any questions about this my contact details are below.
Thank you in advance for participating.
Kindest regards,
Rashmi Rook
Chair, UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative
Transfusion Lead
East Surrey Hospital
12th Apr 2019, 02:58 PM
Just a quick update- we are extending the UKTLC survey until Fri 26th April to give you the opportunity to tell us about your staffing issues. Please complete the survey,I understand there is some survey fatigue but this information will help us to trend the point we are at, and discuss practical plans to help our labs at the next UKTLC meeting on May 15th.
The link to the survey will be forwarded again shortly via NEQAS.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed this- it's much appreciated. 
Many thanks
Last edited by Rashmi; 12th Apr 2019 at 03:03 PM.
19th May 2019, 10:39 PM
Thank you for completing the UKTLC Survey 2019. We had approx 70% response (allowing for some responses covering multiple sites). The draft results with be out around June once analysed.
On a separate note, at the UKTLC meeting last week, some of the key actions to help our laboratory teams revolves around improving communication and support across the UK. It appears that we don’t have a reliable email contact list for our TLMs to share information with, which is quite surprising.
Additionally, we acknowledge your concerns around the qualification section of the Standards, and there will be information on demonstrating equivalence in the revision. The purpose of the standards is for all of us to work towards meeting the requirements over time, nothing is ever perfect , but these help with future planning, resourcing and is part of the continuous improvement process for us all. I apologies for not updating these last year, but I believe this delay (unintentional!) will result in a more inclusive document.
Key tasks for UKTLC:
1. Creating a robust communication pathway between UKTLC organisations and all transfusion teams (including TPs etc), but to begin the focus on the labs as this is where there appears to be concerning gaps.
2. Producing a regular newsletter with sections on best practices and general guidance- if you have any ideas for this please let me know.
As TLMs/ Lab teams are still not well represented at the annual SHOT meeting- this is a good opportunity to improve on this in July, please reserve the date. The Lab Chapter group, which includes UKTLC- has a meet the experts table, so do come and say hello.
Many thanks again,
Best wishes
Last edited by Rashmi; 19th May 2019 at 11:04 PM.
1st Dec 2019, 11:33 PM
Dear All,
Please see link below to the UKTLC 2019 Survey findings. The link will take you to the SHOT UK website.
You may find some of the data useful for your staffing capacity plans/ business cases- feel free to use, but if you can please cross-reference to this report.
Thank you for participating this year, and you will be relieved to know that taking into consideration some of your comments
the next monitoring survey will be in 2022 and not biennial ! so there is lots of time for you to suggest some questions for the UKTLC to consider .
Many thanks!
Last edited by Rashmi; 1st Dec 2019 at 11:42 PM.
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