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Thread: What is the purpose of quality in pathology?

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  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    What is the purpose of quality in pathology?

    I have opened a thread for us to discuss what we all feel is the purpose/ role of 'quality' within pathology, it would be great if you joined in- regardless of your profession.

    I find that unless I understand how a clause/ reference in both ISO 15189 or GPGs relates back to the patient, staff or safety of the blood supply ( which is basically the patient), then it would feel meaningless, and I would lose the will. Luckily my team are far more persevering and patient than I am . For everything we do I believe we need to understand the 'why' we are meant to do this, and simply stating that it's part of the Standards etc- isn't helpful and contributes to hours of discussions, extra work that has little added value, and is unachievable to maintain.

    Can anyone think of a UKAS Standard or other non-conformance that has been cited, that appears to be somewhat meaningless and that we could discuss. Maybe we could even agree on a standard approach to addressing these issues?


    Last edited by Rashmi; 16th Apr 2019 at 10:32 PM.

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