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Thread: Additions to SABRE drop down lists

  1. #1

    Additions to SABRE drop down lists

    Dear Colleagues

    I have made some alterations to the Specification drop down list. This is the SAE category that includes Product defect, Equipment failure, Human error and Other. I have added the sub-categories that match the "human error" sub-categories that I refer to in my SHOT Chapter. Although the new sub-categories will be available from now, I won't be using them until I receive reports from Jan 1st onwards. I hope this will give individual reporters some insight into my assessment of your reports. While you can select whatever category you deem fit, I will still base my final decision on the content of your reports. If you disagree please feel free to contact me to discuss and I can ask you for the additional information to support your point of view, or explain how I have come to my decision. I hope that this addition will be of use to you.

    I have also added the ACE (Acknowledging Continuing Excellence) category to the Event DDL for SHOT. Please remember not to use this category for reportable SAEs.

    Best wishes


  2. #2
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Thank you for the addition of the ACE (Acknowledging Continuing Excellence) to the SABRE reporting system

    For information to all users:

    The updated SHOT definitions have now been published and can be found at
    These definitions include further information on the ACE chapter (Page 3) and worked examples of new ACE reports can also be found using the above link

    Further alterations to the SHOT definitions of IBCT-WCT (Page 4), IBCT-SRNM (Page 5), ADU (Page 6), HSE (Page 7), Near Miss (Page 8) and Cell Salvage (Page 16)

    Best wishes,
    SHOT Team

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