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Thread: Choice of Ethics Committe

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Choice of Ethics Committe

    Dear Forum,

    Can someone explain about choice of ethics committee and approach to ethics committee please. For e.g. If I would like to start a trial and prepare a protocol, what should I need do to apply ethics committee. Can I choose any ethics committee or is there any system in place which could help me to choose ethics committee.
    Is there any charge for ethics committee?
    Is ethics committee approved by MHRA?
    If one ethics committee raise lot of issues, can I approached to another ethics committee?
    I believe members of ethics committee are doctors, pharmacist, one public member.

  2. #2
    For information on ethics committees and the process for applying for ethics committee approval can be found on the NRES website:

    Also please note, that for those trials of IMP falling under the remit of the legislation, must follow the requriements of theSI 2004/1031 and all it's amendments for gaining a favourable ethics opinion.

  3. #3
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    NRES website has changed to

    Hugh Davies

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