So perhaps this requires a visual management approach to your stock handling? ( you'll have to forgive me but I have no knowledge of pharmacy practices). However, when my team first started to sort out similar blood related problems , I found a lot of info on the internet on Kaizan/ 5S approach to training and making the environment/ storage areas easier for staff to notice and prevent errors
1. Ward stock in POD lockers- try identifying ward stocks- coloured stickers/labels? ( not sure if your regulations allow this)
2.non separation of externals: use of trays/ baskets to separate
3. omitted meds- not in the correct place- again stickers on the boxs to identify as ward stock or use of a checklist ( I know staff hate these, but it works)
4. Glucagon not found- again a checklist approach.
5 Administration of other patient meds- this is down to basic checking practices. Do nursing staff read out a loud patient details/ are they being distracted?
Also, you could contact your Blood bank manager and maybe work together on some of these things?