Hi Rashmi, thanks for your reply.

Our hospital BT policy clearly stated that 'complete the sample request form and take this to the patient's bedside in order to positively identify the correct person to be bled'.
Due to the handwritten request forms, the time of when the request form is completed is not possible to be identified. The issue has only be highlighted after OCS generated request forms because there is 'form generated time'. Some of request forms were generated 20 minutes or 30 minutes after the sample taken time (PDA labelled).

For me, the collection of the sample is not performed as one continue, uninterrupted event at the patient bedside, and the patient is not positively identified to ensure he/she is the right patient to bled. It is not the first time patient was given wrong wristband at clinical area.

As Simon Ennis said, the OCS printed request forms did reduce the reject samples compared with handwritten forms. However since BT starts to reject samples with time mismatch even though the details are correct, there are lot of pressure from clinicians.

It will be discussed at HTT and HTC meeting and hopefully they can understand the importance of it.