Please note - The fee that will be invoiced for this year’s BCR will be £751 in line with the MHRA’s updated fees Current MHRA fees - GOV.UK ( The form contains the old fee in error. If you have already submitted your form please send a revised PO number by email if necessary.

Quote Originally Posted by Shirley-Stagg View Post
2023 Blood Compliance Report

Hospital Blood Bank Compliance Report

The compliance report and declaration forms for Hospital Blood Banks (HBB) (01st April 2022 to 31st March 2023) are now available on the MHRA website.

Blood compliance reports (BCR) and declarations must be completed and submitted by 30th April 2023.

There are guidance documents available for HBBs on the MHRA website.
Please note that no questions have been changed this year.

Hospital blood banks should submit their completed BCR and Hospital Blood Bank Declaration Form to with email subject heading ‘Full Hospital Name – BCR 2023’.
(Please ensure the email includes 1 BCR and the declaration form for that hospital name, with additional information related to the blood bank ONLY. Do not send multiple BCR and declaration forms within the same trust in one email)

Following the BCR assessment, Hospital Blood Banks will be provided with a BCR Assessment Confirmation Letter to confirm that assessment has been completed, without indicating the outcome (i.e. inspection or no inspection). The level of compliance determined will be used to inform the inspection programme for 2023/2024. The Hospital Blood Banks selected for inspection will be contacted by the inspectors to arrange a date. All inspections will be performed with a maximum of 7 days’ notice.