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Thread: Porter Competency

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Porter Competency

    I am a Porter at The Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

    As per MHRA regulations staff that work in Hospitals are required to either complete Competency 2 collecting from main blood bank or Competency 3 training collection from satellite fridge. At present only the Porters are allowed to collect from main blood bank and only the clinical staff are allowed to collect from satellite fridges. Under MHRA regulations is there anything stopping Porters being allowed to collect from satellite fridges or is this only for clinical staff to do?

  2. #2
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    May 2024
    Hi there! As a fellow hospital staff member, I understand the importance of adhering to MHRA regulations. From what I know, the regulations don't explicitly prohibit porters from collecting blood from satellite fridges. The current practice at your hospital might be a policy decision rather than a regulatory requirement. It might be worth discussing this with your hospital's compliance or regulatory affairs team to see if there's room for policy changes. This could streamline processes and improve efficiency.

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